In the early 1990's Velma Dora Cochren Priest Terry described her home as a child in Plevna, Reno, Kansas ca 1920. Her parents were George Daniel Cochren and Annie B. Brown Cochren. Her siblings were Elva Ethel Cochren Merry and George Valjean Cochren. It was white with green trim on the windows and door. There were roses in the yard and around the front door. Just beyond the back yard the railroad tracks ran past. In the yard was the grave of one of the children who died at birth or was stillborn. It was small but "tidy": a small parlor, two bedrooms, and a kitchen/eating area. Laundry was done outside - winter and summer. An outhouse was at the back of the yard. A small back porch also had a trellis with some type of green vine. A curtain separated the living space from the bedroom and the children would entertain their mother with plays and musicals. The sketch was created based on memories shared of this residence by Marilyn A. Hudson.
Transcribed, scanned and annotated by Marilyn A. Hudson [2010]
Description: A Victorian autograph album
Contents: Various signatures and autograph entries by friends and family of Minnie M.Crandall of West Genesee, New York.
According to the 1880 Federal Census a family matching the information in the album was located in the family of a James (K?) Crandall, 47, House Carpenter, b. NY. His wife (her name difficult to read) was listed as age 43, b. NY. Children: Harvey L., age 22; Minnie M., age 18, Ira B., age 12, all born in NY.
External Links for Information: Genesee Genealogical Webpage
In the middle of the 1960's my mother came home with a small brown autograph book acquired at a local 'second-hand', Bill’s Curiosity Shop in Wellington, Kansas. The inscription on the inside read: 'Minnie M. Crandall a present from her brother H. LeMonde Crandell, Christmas Eve 1879". Her inscription reads: "To my friends, March 12, 1880. My album is a garden spot/Where all of my friends may sow/ Where thorns and thistles flourish not/ But flowers from above may grow/ with smiles for sunshine, tears for showers/ I'll water and guard these flowers. Minnie."
Based on the information gleaned from the volume itself I went to the Federal census records and located in 1880 a Minnie M. Crandall residing in Genesee, Allegany Co., NY. She was listed in the home of James H. Crandall, 45, b. New York, and had family listed including a brother matching the signature inscription of H. LeMonde Crandall in one Henry L. Crandall, aged 22, b. in New York and a younger brother named Ira, aged 12.
My mother was Velma Dora Cochren Terry and her mother was Annie B. Brown Cochren Willard. The only grandfather I ever knew as a child was a delightful man named Daniel Verne Willard. Annie and she had met in Barry Co., Missouri after her husband had died in Kansas. Her daughter, my mother, was living in Barry County with her first husband Melvin Priest. Annie and her young son George Valjean Cochren had moved to Missouri along with her youngest daughter. She soon found work as a housecleaner and met Daniel Willard, a widow.
I fell heir to a collection of Willard photos when my mother died and tried to find descendents but could never locate any. Finally, I decided to scan them and add them to Ancestry so others might have access to the images. In the process, I used the data from the images and accompanying news clippings to establish the family line of ‘Grandpa Willard’.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the girl in the autograph album and his mother were one and the same person.
Biographical Narrative:
Minnie M (Maybelle) Crandall was born 7 Nov 1860 in Brookfield, Madison, New York and she died 31 Dec 1924 in Cassville, Barry, Missouri. In 1886 she married Samuel Otsey Willard, possibly in Missouri or Kansas.
Her children were:1. Guy Osman Willard (1890-1910)
2. Daniel Verne Willard (1892-1964)
3. Hervey Elson Willard (1897-1964)
4. Edna Gladys Willard Edwards (1902-1928)
5. Lucy Evelyn Willard Patten
6. Mysaett Myra Willard Smalley
7. Otsy W Willard Baldwin Gibson
Census Records appear to locate her in these areas:
• 1870 Census Locust Creek, Linn, MO w/parents
1880 Census Genesee, Allegany, NY w/parents
1886 Married Samuel Orley Willard
1900 Census Fargo, Seward, KS
1910 Census Mineral, Barry, MO
1920 Census Butterfield, Barry, MO
1924 Death Butterfield, Barry, MO
1925 Burial: Ennis Cemetery ; in the same place her spouse and three children
This page reads: "Minnie - Tis often hard to find a friend/On whom you always may depend/And when a friend you think you've got/a trial proves that you have not. Your true friend, Adell Roberts, Portsville, Feb. 15, 1880." To the side is written "Old sister Pheba"
The autographs vary in style and skill and cover Feb. 1880 - Oct. 1882. One page has been torn/cut out raising questions of friendships or love affairs gone awry.
Eve Scoudene of Portsville, NY wrote on April 17, 1880:
"Deem every day of your life a leaf in your history."
W.C. Vincent wrote (no date):
"Among those whose love is true, and enduring,
always remember to number me."
Edith E. Hatch and Lynn Measr (or Meass) of Farmington, Conn. wrote on Oct. 9, 1882:
"I pray the prayer of Plato old,
God make thee beautiful within
And may thine eyes the good behold
In everything save sin."
Lillian H. Spurr of "Ct." wrote on Oct. 22, 1882:
"The nymph who flirts and runs away-
Will sure be caught some lucky day."
H.A.Babcock, "Ord Valley" Co., Nebraska, wrote on Feb. 14, 1883:
Mid the storms of life
Should you need an umbrella
May you have to uphold it
A handsome young fellow."
Minnie Nash, Persia, NY wrote on Feb. 16, 1882:
"No tale of eloquence have I to breathe
yet, kind teacher, I fain would wreathe
A floral garland, whose leaves shall be
Emblems and tokens of love to thee."
This lovely page is decorated with small cardboard art sticker of a floral bouquet and reads:
Though clouds may rest on the present,
And sorrow on days that are gone.
There is no night so utterly cheerless
That we may not look for the dawn.
And there is no human being
With so wholly dark a lot
But the heart by turning the picture
May find some sunny spot.
Your true friend,
Effie V. Roberts
Portsville Feb 16,1880"
![]() |
Daniel Verne Willard, son of Minnie Crandall Willard, with 2nd wife Annie B. Brown, ca 1958 |
Page: 1
May your path be strewn with flowers. Your brother H. LeMonde Crandall. West Genesse, Dec. 29, 1879.
Page: 2
March 12, 1880
This album is a garden –spot
Where all my friends may sow.
Where thorns and thistles flourish not,
But flowers alone may grow,
With smiles for sunshine, tears for showers,
I’ll water, watch and guard these flowers
Page: 3
June 1, 1880
Esther R. Burdick Hebron Potter Olv Penn
Jan 4, 1880
Elizabeth Burdick Hebron Potter Co. Pa
John [ O, C, or G?} Burdick
Hebron Jan 1, 1880
Page: 4
Ella M. Burdick, Hebron, Jan. 1 ,1880
Page: 5
H. Ellis Yap, Portsville Cat. C.O.
Page: 6
Frannie P. Brudick, Hebron Potter Co. P.A. Jan 1, 1880
Page: 7
May your path be strewn with flowers
Elizabeth Randolph Place
Hebron, Potter Co., Jan. 1, 1880
Page: 8
Minnie H. Burdick
Hebron, Jan. 1, 1880
Page: 9
[Written in purple pencil]
“All golden thoughts, all wealth of days
True friendship, love surround you
So may you live till life be closed
Ad angles [sic] hand you have crowned you.”
Elvin G. Burdick
Hebron, Jan. 2, 1880
Page: 10
Lincoln Burdick
Hebron, Jan. 2, 1880
Page: 11
Dear Minnie
Accept granmothers offering
Lucy (T or C) Crandall
Smiths Mills
Page: 12
Mid the storms of life
Should you need an umbrella
May you have to uphold it
A handsome young fellow.
H.A. Babcock
Ord Valley Co. Nebraska
Feb. 14, 1883
Page: 13
May your life be one of happiness
Is the wish of your friend.
Rehoby Osterstruck
Nov. 23, 1881
Page: 14
As ripples flow a bark at sea
So may happiness follow thee
Is the sincere wish of your friend
O.E. Chester
Feb 7, 1883
Rockville, R.I.
Page: 15
Drop one pearl in memories casket for me…
Yours truly
Maggie Morgan
March 8, 1880
Page: 16
Regards of Florence Nash
West Clarksville, NY
Aug 1, 1883
Page: 17
No tale of eleoquence [sic] have I to breathe
Yet, kind teacher, I fain would wreathe
A floral garland, whose leaves shall be
Emblems and tokens of love to thee.
Minnie Nash
Persia, NY
Feb. 16, 1882
Page: 18
[floral sticker]
When the sun shines brightly
In thy pleasant home
Think of me not lightly
When far away I roam.
Truly your friend
Frank Roberts
Feb. 5, 1880
Page: 19
May joy and happiness
Ever follow you
Is the wish of a friend and schoolmate
Jason Hopkins
West Genesse
Jan 25, 1880
Page: 20
Please accept these forget-me-nots from your friend
Nora Armstrong
Portsville NY
Page: 21
Dear Minnie
At evenings close when darkened shadows
Are gathering thick and fast,
And brooding thoughts come slowly on
The memory of the past;
Then, when the lights of other days
Meets gently over there
Brings back the happy hours of yore –
Oh! Then think thou of me.
Your mother
West Genesee Jan 1, 1991
Page: 22
Not like the rose
Shall my friendship whither
But like the evergreen
Live forever
Nettie Hopkins
Jan 25, 1880
Page: 23
Edwin J. Babcock
North Loup, Nebraska
Afred Uni
Dec 4, 1883
Page: 24
The hill thou climbest is high
The prize is great and near
Write “duty” on thy heart and preserver
Your sincere friend
Mrs. S. M. Herrich
March 25, 1880
Page: 25
A thousand volumes in a thousand tongues
Enshrine the lessons of experience
John F. Maxson
West Genesee NY Jan 22, 1882
Obit NY
Page: 26
Friend Minnie –
Excellent my friend these lines from me
They show that I remember thee,
And hope some thoughts hey will return
Till you and I shall meet again.
NY March 6, 1882
E.C. Babcocak
Ord, Neb
Page: 27
Dear Minnie
When the hours of sweetest silence
Brings the sacred hour of prayer
And you knell at morn or evening
Ask for one that is not there.
When the years of time are passing
Like a shadow o’er the sea
Ever shall my heart be asking
Dear friend, Minnie, think of me.
Jessie (Petter or Potter?)
Page: 28
Vera amacitia est semputerna
Amicus Tuus
Fred Johnson
Gowanda NY
March 27, 1880
Page: 29
[in purple pencil]
May your dear friend be ever blest
With friends selected from the best
And in return my [sic] you extend
A gem of love to every friend
Mary M. Kenyon
West Genesse NY
March 3, 1883
Page: 30
Dear Minnie
Strive to learn through life (faint and unreadable)
To accomplish what you undertake
Aunt Ellen
March 25, 1880
Page: 31
Dear Minnie
Remember that your life will but reflect the good that is in your heart. May it – ever be as pure and guileless, as when a little child, you first won a warm place in my heart.
Ever your friend
Retta Babcock
Ord, Neb. Feb. 14, 1883
Page: 32
Do, re, me, fa, so [symbol] Feb 22 1881
These few lines to you are tendered
By a friend sincere and true
Hoping but to be remembered
When I’ far away from you.
Adella A. Thomas
[Ports]ville NY
Page: 33
Sister Minnie
The following words apply to as a Christian
Found in Rev. 2:10 “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.”
Writen [sic] at the close of my pastorate with the West Genesee Church. With kind regards,
Geo P Kenyon
March 3, 1888
Page: 34
Remember me dear Minnie when on this lines you look
Remember it was Florence who wrote them in your book
Your friend and schoolmate
Florence Crandall
Page: 35
Minnie every cloud which may for a time dim your horizon, be found to contain a silver lining.
Mrs. C.C. Johnson
Gowanda, NY
Page: 36
To Minnie
Please accept the compliments and best wishes of CC Johnson
Gowanda March 26 1880
Page: 37
Remember me when this you see
And bitter tears doth fall
The pleasant days I’ve spent with thee
Beneath these old school walls
July 31, 1883
Estus Forster
West Clarksville Y
White school
Page: 38
Harman Rosentha
Page: 39
Dear Minnie:
As we journey through life Let us live by the way
Nettie Potter Andover West Genesee Dec 31 1880
Page: 40
“The darkest hour of night is just before the dawning.”
Ever your friend Nora D. Norton Portsville, NY March 25, 1882
Page: 41
Deem every day of your life a page in your history,
N.P. Reyes
Arch 20, 1880
Page: 42
Dear Minnie:
May thy home be bright [unreadable due to fading]
Where’re in the wide world it may be
May peace and prosperity fall [two words, unreadable]
And ever smile sweetly on thee
Your friend
Mrs. M. P. Keyes, Portsville, NY, March 20, 1880
Page: 43
Dear Minnie –
Q: What’s the dearest to our heart?
A: “Home” “Mother” “friends”
Your friend H. Hirrick
Page: 44
Heaven is not reached at single bound
But we build the ladder by which we rise;
From the lovely earth to the vaulted skies,
And we mount to its summit round by round
Marie (Meridith?) Nash
Persia Catt Co.
Page: 45
Yours truly G. (G. or S.) Hicks
Trenton Oct. 11, 1882
Page: 46
That thy life may be one of usefulness
And prosperity and an eternity of happiness
Is the wish of your friend Mary Nash
Feb. 25, 1881
Page: 47
If wishes of mine can prove of worth
Be this my portion given
A blameless, joyous life on earth,
And a golden crown in heaven.
Yours sincerely,
K.T. McBride
Portsville Jan 18, 1880
Page: 48
Regards of Cora Peekham
West Clarskville, Allegany Co., NY
July 30, 1883
Page: 49
Those realms – how beautiful and fair Dear Teacher! A blissful meeting there.
Bell West Feb 27, 1882
Page: 50
Hope constantly. Labor faithfully, wait patiently, win surely.
O.J. Nash
Feb 22 1882
Page: 51
Life is a diamond rich and rare. Keep undimmed its luster fair.
Nellie Nash
Feb. 17, 1882
Page: 52
I am very respectfully your cousin
W.N. (or H) Vincent
Salamanca, NY
Mar 29 1880
Page: 53
If we have nothing but memory
To keep the chain of friendship bright
(then) let us never forget the scenes and days of the past
Your cousin
Edgar L. Vincent
Olean NY
“Times” Office
Page: 54
Compliments of Effie C. Nash
West Clarksville NY
Allegheny Co
July 31, 1883
Page: 55
“True friendship is everlasting”
Your friend forever
Dessie Norton
Nov. 23, [’87 or ‘81]
Melvin Marion Priest was son of Charles Reuben Priest and Sena Adeline Boyd Priest. He was born 12 July 1910 (based on the SSDI ). He died in a plane crash near the Clinton-Sherman Airport in Washita Co., Oklahoma. Apparently living in Vian, Oklahoma at the time of his death, his place of burial is still to be determined.
His siblings were Maudie V. Priest Marbut, Lawrence William Priest, Allie M. Priest, Clarence C. Priest, Bessie M. Priest Raymond Wesley Priest, Norman E. Priest and Edna E. Priest.
He married Velma Dora Cochren in Lyons, Rice , Kansas on 18 October 1930. He was working the broomcorn harvest when they met. They will live in the Plevna, Reno Co., Kansas area until about 1933, during which time they will have Melvin Daniel Priest, nicknamed variously "Sonny" and "Charles", and a daughter Leona Fay Priest (1933-1933).
In 1934 they are Barry Co., Missouri near his family where Doris (spelled Dorris on death certificate and grave entry but her mother always spelled it Doris) Arlene Priest was born (1934- 1935) but dies at 8 months from pnuemonia.
Over the next few years his family expanded to include Ruth Claudine (who would change her name later to Carol), Helen, and Larry L. (who would later change his name to Louis L.). On the 1940 census they are still in Barry Co., Mo in the Flat Creek area where his biological family resided. He was listed as working on a road crew doing construction.
In the early days of the 1940's he is in Wichita running a boarding house with his family. As the war ended so did his marriage to Velma, although an exact date of divorce is unknown.
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Wife Velma and daughter Helen inspect one of the planes Melvin Sr. flew, ca. 1945 |
At the time of his death he was working, apparently, for the J. H. Carman construction company putting in a highway in the Elk City, Oklahoma region.
New information suggests he had married a woman in Kansas within a year or so of the probable date of the divorce from Velma. This information suggests he fathered two sons and after his death they all relocated to California.
New information suggests he had married a woman in Kansas within a year or so of the probable date of the divorce from Velma. This information suggests he fathered two sons and after his death they all relocated to California.
During a recent research jaunt the truth of the title phrase was apparent. Using a large and well known program that included an index to the census I was tracking down some family lines. I was frustrated enough due to the problems associated with the spelling variations for the name from decade to decade and from family line to family line. I kept finding the family with another family apparently living with them and that made no sense, especially since some of that family appeared to match the family I was hunting.
Then I decided to re-examine the actual census record and see what clues might be missing.
Imagine my chagrin when on looking at the census it became clear there had been a glaring transcription error! The family name, although spelled differently than other census records was consistent throughout the census record. The mysterious "other family", called Napier in the index, disappeared!
The 1860 entry from Venango Co., PA for the family of Henry and Margaret Niner revealed (spelled here as Nyner) -
Henry Niner, 43, Bavaria ? Germany (Hesse-Kessel according to other records/lore)
Margaret, 43, b. Maryland (other census will state Germany)
George Crothel, 18 b Maryland (named for an elderly neighbor who may be related)
Fred L, 12
Barbara, 10
Margaret, 8
Wm, 4
All that was known was a man had died in a crash of a small plane somewhere in Oklahoma. A photo showing a minister by a new grave hidden by a mountain of flowers with "Pawhuska" scribbled on the back. A general time frame but no definite date. That was the known story of the death of Melvin Marion Priest, son of Charles Reuben and Sena Adaline Boyd Priest of Barry Co., Missouri. He was the ex-husband of Velma Dora Cochren Priest Terry. He was also a cousin to her second husband, Roy Dennis Terry.
Finally, searching through resources, a news clipping was found from the Oklahoman of July 23, 1950. The accident occurred near Clinton in western Oklahoma. He was listed as living in Vian located in Sequoya County on the Arkansas border to Oklahoma. One of the historical tidbits learned was that prior to WW2 social security cards were often engraved on metal cards (thus explaining how it might have survived the fire intense enough to make identification difficult). Shown in the image is a daughter and his wife, Velma ca 1943.
Still needed - a grave one mystery solved and others remain.
Still needed - a grave one mystery solved and others remain.
Waters Family
So often as I have tried to trace this group, I have seen the counties lacking some basic information concerning residents in their county. So I am posting these notes so they may perhaps help others searching the line of Waters.
Our line is Jesse S. Waters, b. in Georgia who married Amelia Ann Fisher (d/o Moses and Lucy Shaver Fisher) in Union Co., IL in 1865. They are then found on the Bollinger Co., Mo census, the Union County, Il, and the Mississippi Co., Mo census. One line is in Butler Co., Mo. I have often thought they might have traveled into those areas because family might have been in those areas as well. Recent information suggests Jesse might have been in Tennessee and Kentucky before Union Co., ca 1865. If this is true, the groups listed revealing those birth areas may indeed be linked.
Bollinger Co., Il -, Union Twp, 1860, pp37
Lucy Waters,44 b 1816 Mo
Wm M Waters, 16, 1840’s Mo
Benj F Waters, 12, Mo
Thos A Waters 7, Mo
Mary R Waters, 6, Mo
Union Co., IL- 1865
Jesse Waters md Amelia Ann Fisher
Bollinger Co., MO – 1870 – Liberty Twp
Jesse (listed as John), 32, b. SC
Note: a Robert Fisher , 58, b. TN is nearby with wife Nancy (possible Fisher relative?)
Mississippi Co, MO -1870 – St. James Twp
George M. Waters, 13 b. Il in the home of an Alfred Hall
Mississippi Co., MO 1880 – St. James Twp
John C Waters 18 TN
Wm Waters 21 TN
Josp K Watters 25 TN (I read the name this way)
Mississippi Co., MO 1900 – St James Twp
John M Waters 44 Ky
Thomas Waters 24 Ky
Jesse Waters SC
Lulu Waters, 11, Ky with the Brumfield Family – sisterinlaw of Georgia Brumfield
Mississippi Co., MO 1900 – Long Praire Twp
John Waters 36, TN
Butler Co., MO – Ash Hill 1930
Frank B.Waters , 30 b MO, Ella, Benjamin, Delia, Harrison, Myrtle
1860 – Union CO., IL
No waters listed
Fishers –
163a 11 Fisher A**a 5 Ills pg0163a.txt
218a 29 Fisher Ann 50 NC pg0214a.txt
163a 10 Fisher Caroline 25 NC pg0163a.txt
166a 28 Fisher Elizabeth 7 Ills pg0163a.txt
208b 16 Fisher Elizabeth 61 NC pg0205b.txt
166a 27 Fisher Harrison 10 Ills pg0163a.txt
208b 15 Fisher John 63 NC pg0205b.txt
167b 24 Fisher John 22 Ills pg0163a.txt
166a 26 Fisher John 11 Ills pg0163a.txt
166a 24 Fisher Lucy Ann 37 Ga pg0163a.txt
166a 25 Fisher Martha 13 Ills pg0163a.txt
166a 29 Fisher Mary Ann 5 Ills pg0163a.txt
166a 23 Fisher Moses 39 NC pg0163a.txt
163a 12 Fisher Not named 2 Ills pg0163a.txt
218a 30 Fisher Phelix 18 Ills pg0214a.txt
208b 17 Fisher Rosannah 19 Ills pg0205b.txt
163a 9 Fisher Simeon 27 NC pg0163a.txt
167b 25 Fisher Sophia 20 NC pg0163a.txt
1900 Butler Co., Mo –
17a 17a Watters Benjamine F
17a 17a Watters Benjamine F
25a 25a Watters Edgar C
25a 25a Watters George
17a 17a Watters George W
17a 17a Watters James C
25a 25a Watters Martha E
25a 25a Watters Nancy
25a 25a Watters Nora M
25a 25a Watters Ressa or Hessa
25a 25a Watters Timothy C
17a 17a Watters William H
25a 25a Watters * B.
1900 Butler Co., Mo – Victoria Waters Hudson Easley will go here by 1910-1920;
31b 6b Hudson Benjamin
14a 14a Hudson Benjamin L
31b 6b Hudson Bessie B
14a 14a Hudson Clauda L
31b 6b Hudson Ella P
14a 14a Hudson Hershell
31b 6b Hudson Inda D
14a 14a Hudson Lurra D
14a 14a Hudson Mandy J
31b 6b Hudson Nancy J
St. Francis twp,Butler Co., Mo 1900
John S Waters
Martha E Waters
Anta D Waters
John F Waters
Bessie J Waters
Essie M Waters
Walter Waters
1910 Mounds City, Pulaski Co., IL - no clear connection other than locale where the Hudson-Water family resided.
John W Waters
Mary E Waters
Olive M Waters
Clyde J Waters
Carrie M Waters
Hopefully, DNA will help clear up this family dead end. For now, however, he is a true mystery.
Timeline of William Hudson
1827 –
Date generally associated with his birth via census
records. His children will generally
answer he was born in Indiana, on the 1880 census he will say Virginia, and (if
it is him on the 1870) census he says England. His daughter on one census
further confuses the issues by saying he was born ‘at sea’.
1830 – unk
1840- unk
1850 – unk
- · Although there is an older William Hudson in Vanderburgh Co., Indiana where ‘our’ William will marry in 1868 no known connection. William might have had a 'first' family but no clear indication other than his age at the time he marries in 1868.
- · In Alexandria, Rapides, Louisiana , there is A Wm Hudson b 1827, single, carpenter, b. Va (Note later listing of work in a bed manufacturing business in Evansville).
1863 - City Directory
- · The Evansville City Directory for this year lists no William Hudson.
1861-65 – Military Service
in Civil War?
- · If he was born in Virginia, he may have served and then post war gone ‘west’ – landing in Evansville, Vanderburgh Co., Indiana – a Mississippi port city- would not have been strange.
1868 – Marriages Emily
Jane Kane (believe the spelling of her name was Cain)
- · July he marriages this woman, daughter of Lewis Cain and Millie Greer Carson Cain Parker , in the same place at this time may also be her step-brother Thomas Benjamin Carter, and William Cain. · City directory lists a widow, Millie Parker (believe this to be Emily’s mother).
1870- Census - Evansville,
Vanderburgh, Ind.
- · Shows a Wm Hudson (says born England), with wife Emma, and son Lewis. From other documents, Emily may have sometimes gone by the name “Emma” and may have sometimes used the last name Carter. (The death record for her son Lewis/Louis Hudson calls her Emma Carter).
- · He might have answered England to hide his southern roots, some men did this in the post civil war days.
- · This same census also shows in Pigeon Twp, Vanderburgh, Ind. Thomas Benjamin Carter, William Cain (Kane) and Millie Parker. With them is a small child Benjamin Cain (Kane). This is her step brother, her brother and her mother. The child may be Emily’s or may be the child of a brother (one is unaccounted for and may have died in the Civil War). · City directory for that year : City Directory (pg.159) lists one Wm Hudson, laborer at bed manuf John Tohill, Jacobsville
1880 – Census / Mound
City, Pulaski Co., IL
- · Listed is William (b. Va), wife Emily, daughter Millie, and son Lewis. Also, is Benjamin Kane, identified as step-son (i.e., Thomas Benjamin Cain).
- · The belief was Emily had married a Kane (Cain) but then once her parents were identified it was clear her mother, Millie Greer, had married 1) Cullen Carter, 2) Lewis Cain, 3) Edward Parker. Note the naming pattern at work. Benjamin, whose name appears to have been Thomas Benjamin Cain, may have been Emily’s illegitimate son, or what may be more likely, the son of a brother who died. Emily may have then assumed the oversight of the child when her mother died. Her brother Thomas Benjamin Carter buys a cemetery plot in 1876 in the ‘Mechanicsville’ Cemetery – which may refer to an area in old Evansville. No records of death or burial have been found.
- · Pulaski or Alexander Co., Illinois / Family appears dispersed by 1900 so he and wife may have died between 1880 census and 1900 - when they have not been located. His wife's brother buys a cemetery plot in Pulaski Co., but no record found of a grave with names associated with the group. The plot numbers seem difficult to track. Several people known to have been buried in this area (from their death certificates) do not appear in indexes or on databases such as 'Find-a-Grave.'
1890 – Unknown
1900 - Unknown
Must Run In The Blood
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Roy Terry |
I can recall my father spinning some tall tales as I was growing up. He was a fount of short little stories, silly little songs, and witty retorts. Which was strange because he did not talk much most of the time. Sometimes, though, like a coffee pot boiling over things came to the surface. I have always blamed his mother's Irish roots for his bouts of spontenaity and her German side for his silence! Every generation had some kind of Celtic roots - be it Ireland or Scotland - and so the basic idea was always possible they were the cause of those tall tales and stories.
For many years, I have been a storyteller traveling here and there sharing tales with children, adults and families in a variety of settings (schools, churches, community events, and libraries). Imagine my delight when doing some family history research I uncovered a brother to my father's great-great grandmother. The Ennis family had come from County Westmeath, by way of Dublin about 1730. Elizabeth Ennis was the only daughter of James Ennis, b. in Virginia and had brothers Zachariah, Ezekiel, Martin, William, John, Jesse, and perhaps others.
In the History of Greene and Jersery Counties, Illinois (1885) contains a sketch on what is believed to be this same Jesse. Imagine my delight as a I read. "Mr. Ennis, while a strictly honest and conscientious man, was rather noted in this locality for his aptitude for pretty tough yarns. One of these was, in describing the timber of this country, he said that he had cut down a sumach tree, from he split out some fourteen joists for a house. At another time he related a long story about taking the fiddle and sitting down near some rocks commenced to play, whereupon thousands of snakes came out of their dens, as they will, and that laying about with a club he killed some three thousand of them Many other stories he did tell all dealing in the same exaggerations." (80).
Anyone familiar with Irish folklore can detect the corpus of tales about the Irish Hercules, Cú Chulainn and numerous other familiar motifs which had no doubt fed his imagination as a youth and entertained the community as an elderly man.
Ennis family,
Family history,
Terry family
James ENNIS, b. 1730 in Essex County, Virginia Colony ; d. 1792 in Burke County, North Carolina, location unknown or unmarked.
Over the years other ENNIS descendants have sent me information regarding this family line. :
Most of this information came from the research of Willis Lyons Ennis, a great-grandson of James. His statement is that "James Ennis was born at Athlone, County Westmeath, Ireland, on or about the (blank) day of 1735: that he at the age of three years came to America as a stowaway with his father, Sir John Ennis, settled in State of Virginia, County of Augusta."
Numerous researchers have found historical records from Virginia that indicate James Ennis was born about 1730 in Essex County, Virginia colony, a son of John Ennis and Elizabeth (Betty) Nalle. That John Ennis, his father, was born about 1710 in Athlone, County Westmeath Ireland, and came to America with his father, Sir John Ennis, about 1713.
His father, it is assumed is the John Ennis listed as a resident of Essex County, Virginia colony, in 1727 and continuously until 1735, when the family is found in Orange County, Virginia colony. James Ennis lived with his parents in Orange County until 1741, when the family moved to Louisa County, Virginia colony. In 1745/46, his father was found mentioned in Augusta County.
Apparently the Ennis clan may have been hard to get along with, "James Ennis is first recorded in Louisa County with his father when a suit was brought against them by John Snow April 22, 1748. James was odered to pay a Samuel Waddy fifty pounds of tobacco for two days attendance in court as his witness.
James Ennis was married about 1754 to Anna, or Anne, Moles. One James Innes (sic) enlisted as a soldier from Augusta County in the French and Indian War in March, 1754. In May, 1754, his company was put under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel George Washington. Kegley's Virginia Frontier mentions that James Innes (sic) was put in command of Fort Cumberland around October, 1754. His father wrote his will October 9, 1754, giving his land on the lower and east side of a branch of the North Fork of Rocky Creek on the south side of the plantation on the same creek to his son, James. The other part of the plantation went to his sister, Barbara. His father's will was probated May 12, 1762. His land was now in Albemarle County which was formed from Louisa in 1761. "
James's sister, Barbara, and her husband, David Frazier, sold their part of her father's land to James October 5, 1773. James Ennis enlisted in February, 1776, in the 9th Virginia Regiment of Foot, which was also known as the 9th Virginia Battalion of Foot in Service of the United States and the 9th Virginia Regiment on Continental Establishment. He was under the command of Colonels Thomas Snead and George Matthews at various times. One James Innis (sic) was promoted from private 9th Virginia Regiment to Lieutenant-Colonel 15th Virginia Regiment November 13, 1776. According to family history, he was captured at the Battle of Germantown, Pennsylvania, October 4, 1777.
His grandson, Willis Lyons Ennis, stated that James Ennis died as a prisoner of war in 1778. Virginia records of the 9th and 15th Virginia Regiments indicate that James Innis (sic) retired from the army September 30, 1778, and was a resident of Williamsburg, Virginia. James Ennis and his wife, Anne, sold the John Ennis plantation and lands to John Watson, Jr., in Albemarle County, Virginia colony, October 12, 1779.
In the Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution, 1775-1783," by John H. Gwathmey, states that James Innis (sic) served as Judge Advocate of the army from July 9, 1782 until September 18, 1782, and was also referred to as "Major." He was awarded a 6,666 hundred acre bounty grant in Ohio but it was never claimed.
James Ennis is next found in the 1790 U. S. Census for North Carolina. He was enumerated in Morgan's District of Burke County. James Ennis died in Burke County, North Carolina sometime between 1790 and 1800, about 1792, and was buried in an unmarked grave.
[Taken from:]
Basically the line is thought to be:
In Ireland the name in Westmeath, apparently arrives in 1680 with the forces of James, and may have been given lands in the County as a result.
James ENNIS, b. 1730 in Essex County, Virginia Colony ; d. 1792 in Burke County, North Carolina, location unknown or unmarked.
Father: John Ennis b: 1710 in Athlone, County Westmeath, Ireland
Mother: Elizabeth Betty Nalle b: 1706
Marriage 1 Anna Moles b: 1737 ; Married: 1754 in Augusta County, Virginia Colony
- John Ennis b: 1755 in Lousia County, Virgina Colony: d.?
- William Ennis b: 1758: d. Il?
- Martin Ennis b: 1760; may have died in IL or KY
- Jesse Ennis b: 1763 in Albemarle County, Virgina Colony: d?
- Zachariah Ennis b: 1766 in Albemarle County, Virgina Colony: d. abt 1844 Arkansas
- James Ennis b: 1768; d.?
- Elizabeth Betsy Ennis b: 1770 in Burke County, North Carolina Colony (actually would have been Rowan Co. probably); died in Gibson Co., Indiana. Had 3 children (Nancy, Barbara, John) but never married. NOTE: Some line claim she was a wife of Zachariah but this creates problems because a daughter of Barbara, her daughter, will in turn marry the youngest son of Zachariah Ennis (Matilda Terry Ennis).
- Jeremiah EnnisAnnas b: 1775 in Albemarle County, Virginia, United States of America
Notes on the names of the children of ISAAC BROWN and MARY MOONEY :
Do the names of their children give clues to origins or support the legend of the stowaway from Scotland? Legend says Isaac was born in 1806 in Scotland, ran away from an apprenticeship when he was 14 in 1820, He stowed away. He was found and worked off passage for about 7 years and finally arrived on the "Manchester" in 1827 from Liverpool He traveled in country, joined a military effort, was wounded and nursed back to health by a Native American family, and married (in NC, VA, or TN) the daughter (whose name is thought to be Mary, possibly Mooney but whose name may have also been something that sounded like "Wa'tella" or "Washtella".)
Do the names of their children give clues to origins or support the legend of the stowaway from Scotland? Legend says Isaac was born in 1806 in Scotland, ran away from an apprenticeship when he was 14 in 1820, He stowed away. He was found and worked off passage for about 7 years and finally arrived on the "Manchester" in 1827 from Liverpool He traveled in country, joined a military effort, was wounded and nursed back to health by a Native American family, and married (in NC, VA, or TN) the daughter (whose name is thought to be Mary, possibly Mooney but whose name may have also been something that sounded like "Wa'tella" or "Washtella".)
i. PTOLEMA PHILADEPHUS BROWN, b. August 30, 1829, Warren County, Tennessee; d. November 02, 1903, Soldier's Home in St. James, Phelps County, Missouri.
“Ptolema” = Greek; Many possible individuals but a probable one is the mathematician author of ‘Geographia’ (ca. 150).*
“Philadelphius” = Latinized form of the Greek word for brotherly love.
ii. JUAN FERNANDEZ BROWN, b. 1831, Davidson County, Tennessee; d. March 07, 1854, Texas County, Missouri.
“Juan” – may refer to the explorer Juan de Categena with Magellan *
“Ferdinand” – may refer to the explorer Ferdinand Magellan /also an island chain made famous in Robinson Crusoe. *
Note: Her son's name continued this naming pattern with a name from Greek mythology for one of the Muses'. LIBETHRIDES WARE BROWNm b. 1849.
iii. ARCHIMEDES BROWN, b. March 22, 1834, Warran County, Tennessee; d. March 14, 1863, the Civil War in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
“Archimedes” = Ancient Greek mathematician *
iv. SELTICANA BROWN, b. 1834, Tennessee.
“Selticana” = No clear historic, literary references discovered. A form may be found in the term ‘Sultana’ meaning a wife of a Sultan. It could also be in reference to Celtic origins in the family (Scotland comes from the name of a tribe of people from what is now known as Ireland. These “Celts” lived across Europe sharing a common language, customs, and art. Sometimes the name was spelled and pronounced with a soft “S” rather than the harder Greek “K” (Keltoi). If this was true, the name would mean she who pertains to the “Selt”.
v. LYCURGUS BROWN, b. 1835, Warran County, Tennessee; d. May 22, 1887, Macoupin County, Illinois; m. MARTHA P. ARMOUR5, Abt. 1860, Missouri; b. 1840, Illinois.
“Lycurgus” – many possible from ancient history, but possible the lawgiver of Sparta (570-730 B.C.)
vi. METROBAR JAMES BROWN, b. 1840, Warren County, Tennessee; m. MARY BROWN; b. 1843, Tennessee.
“Metro Barjames” - could actually have been Mithro (Persian mythological figure) and “Bar’ in Barjames is Hebrew for ‘son of’ or ‘descendent of’ – could we have a clue as to the name of one of his grandparents? One source links Mary to a James Mooney.
vii. MARY A. BROWN, b. December 04, 1843; d. April 17, 1887, Texas County, Missouri.
Mary’s middle name is unknown but thought to have begun with an “A”. Her connection to the Brown’s is clear in names of one of her children…Arminda, Theodosia, Ozzia, Facelina Mobley.
viii. ELSINORA ODENSIA BROWN, b. February 21, 1845, Tennessee; d. March 1910, Piaza, Illinois; m. (1) KAYLOR; m. (2) THOMAS MCCOY, 1876, Illinois. Twin to Marcellus.
“Elsinora” may be reflection of the place in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. “Odensia” may be a form of the Scandinavian deity of “Oden” – as a name it has been found in Norway.
ix. MARCELLUS BROWN, b. February 21, 1845, Tennessee; d. 1933, Macoupin County, Illinois. Twin to Elsinora. “Marcellus” = Roman history; too many to name or list.
x. FASCILINA BROWN, b. April 05, 1847, Warren County, Tennessee; d. April 03, 1885, at home in Vernon County, Missouri; m. REUBEN HIRAM MAIN, March 05, 1866, St. Louis, Missouri; b. Aft. 1840.
“Fascilina” = It is suspected this is a Latinized word meaning graceful or agile. Similar names can be found for a few women in Ancient Rome.
xi. MARCIUS SABINUS "Bine" BROWN, b. November 05, 1849, Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri; d. August 17, 1912, Calera, Bryan county, Oklahoma.
“Marcius” and “Sabinus” are both names linked to early Roman history. Marcius a family name of a line of rulers and Sabinus a similar use, as well as the name of a 4th century historian and a 3rd century bishop from Seville.*
xii. LEONIDAS HANNIBAL BROWN, b. 1853, Texas County, Missouri.
“Leonidas” = a Spartan ruler who led the charge of the ‘300’ against Persian forces and another was a 3rd century Christian martyr.
(*) - - is it merely coincidence that many of these names link back to the lore, skills, or regions related to sea travel? If Isaac stowed away and had to work off his passage might he have been exposed to stories, history, and skills (math, astronomy, etc.) in the process by the multi-culture nature of sea faring?
One Causality of the Crossing
In Wyoming is a location called the Lander Cut-off, it was on a trail which was a cut from the famed Oregon Trail. It saved time but was harder to travel and many lost their lives along its path. There is state historical marker there marking the grave of one Elizabeth Mortimore Paul, who died there after giving birth in July of 1862.
The company paused long enough to not merely bury her but to construct a small fence around her grave. She left six children, including the new born. Others coming up the trail after them, were sobered by the sight of the grave and the evident grief. Read their comments here.
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Patsey and Plymouth Mortimore |
Elizabeth was the daughter of Plymouth Mortimore, born in North Carolina and died in Kansas (various spellings exist for his name) and his wife Patsy Driscoll (or Driskel, various spellings exist for her name).
He did serve in the military during WW2 was listed for a time as missing in action and then changed to recuperating. He married Mary Black in 1941 in Idaho.
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Left, Effie Algerty Ray Conner Hudson Tucker, 188- - 1972 Born in Illinois and died in Kansas Right, Lucy Elizabeth Ray Hurst Lords, 1883-1948 Born in Ill and died in Idaho |
Both were daughters of Drury Edward Ray and Harriet Ann Rowe.
In August of 1965, the Hudson family (Curtis, Virginia, Roy, Ray, and Marvin) went to the Grand Canyon and one of the photos taken was of the Hopi House, originally built in 1904, and a demonstration of Native American dance.
In 2005, another Hudson family also went to the Canyon, staying at the historic El Tovar Hotel and visiting the newly renovated Hopi House, now an upscale art and crafts gift center.
In 2005, another Hudson family also went to the Canyon, staying at the historic El Tovar Hotel and visiting the newly renovated Hopi House, now an upscale art and crafts gift center.
Daughter of Jess and Effie Hudson
In the Okmulgee Cemetery is this small, flat stone next to the headstone for her father, Jess Hudson. Her mother was Effie A. Ray Conner Hudson Tucker. They had just recently moved to Okmulgee from Butler Co., Mo, and were living in a canvas tent made from the cover from the husband's teamster setup and wagon when she gave birth. Unfortunately, Dorothy did not live long enough to enjoy the prosperity moving to the booming region would bring the family in the next decade. Jess himself would die suddenly in a gas line explosion in Bristow in 1929.
Hudson Family Photographic Collection, Hudson Files. Family of Jesse Hudson and Effie A. Ray. Victoria Waters Hudson Easley, Jess's mother is the woman holding the baby, Freeman Conner aka "Red", stepson of Jess and son of Effie Ray Conner Hudson is in the back closest to opening, Jess may be driving (M.Hudson, 2008) Location: Probably Butler Co., MO.
Hudson Boys and Sharp Wheels
Hudson Family Photographic Collection, Hudson Files. Curtis Hudson and J. Marvin Hudson, son of Jesse Hudson and Effie A. Ray. (M.Hudson, 2008) Probably taken in Poplar Bluff, Butler, Mo.
Gone Fishing, Boating or Anyplace Outdoors
Jesse Marvin Hudson aka "Rocky" loved the great outdoors and had since a child in the Ozarks and eastern Oklahoma. Here he is shown with his wife ca 1960's in possibly Arizona or California. He was the eldest son of Jess Hudson and Effie Algerty Ray Conner Hudson Tucker.
Mystery Remains - But May Be Closing
This image is identified as being taken in Okemah, Oklahoma. Hudson Family Photographic Collection, Hudson Files. (M.Hudson, 2008)
Hudson Family Photographic Collection, Hudson Files. (M.Hudson, 2008)
Originally found in the files of Effie Algerty Ray Conner Hudson Tucker, the only identification was pencil written on the back: Anna, Nellie, Nettie. Who were they though? The facial resemblance of at least two indicated they were probably from Effie's side of the family. The Ray family but which of several children? Finally, records related to Mary Louisa Ray, sister to Effie have emerged. They show she married a Charles Carter and had daughters - Anna, Nellie, Nettie. They lived around Poplar Bluff, Butler Co., Mo. along with other member of the extended "tribe".
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John King Terry and wife Mary Ann |
My father, Roy D. Terry, told me this story about his grandfather John King Terry. During the Civil War John joined the Union Forces and his wife went to live with her family at a nearby farm.
John served with a Capt. John Kelso, whom he much respected, and would later name a son for the man. Out on patrol hunting marauders, John recognized they were near his in-laws house. He offered his captain and men a home cooked meal and rest for the horses. They quickly agreed and set off.
Unknown to John, the mauraders had already hit the home of the inlaws (who had run away to remain hidden in the nearby woods). The marauders had made off with many of the few remaining valuables of the family. They had taken a wooden box John had once kept ammunition in and had scooped up the family's silver spoons and valuables from their ancestors. They had then ridden off when alerted to the approaching soldiers.
Seeing the family safe, John and the men immdediately set off trailing the thieves and trapped them in a cave. The command was given to 'Fire until there is no reason to fire anymore.' The goods of the Terry and Riddle families were recovered - along with valuables from other homes nearby.
The box went on to serve the family for many years, and came to my father as a keepsake. During the 1930's in the Ozarks times were very hard and one family down the road could not even afford a coffin when their small baby died. My father gave them the box- once used to carry off a family treasure - in order for it to once more hold a family's small treasure taken too soon.
Somewhere in the hills of Barry Co., Missouri a small wooden box from one family holds the remains of another family. The names are gone but the story remains.
Marilyn A. Hudson
His name may be Ashben, Ashber, Ashbel, Ashbin, or something similar. Early records show writing that can be interpreted all four ways. Other researchers have labeled him "Asbury" but without clear reason other than a confusion of this man with another group of a similar name who crossed paths in northern Missouri ca 1850.
His last name can be spelled in so many ways it can be hard to find him and harder to prove a connection. Like others with the last name - even the records of the same area can show great variation from decade to decade. Worse records of the same family can reveal different spellings and variations making searching a headache at times.
Contact with historians and researchers has indicated he was no doubt a very early pioneer in the Michigan and Iowa areas. It has even been theorized he may have come into the region of Michigan-Wisconsin when it was a combined territory.
There are people of the name in those regions of Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa providing some validity, if no clear proof, of such a connection. Some photographs, however, might indicate familial connection where no proof exists. The resemblance in one Iowa case appears quite strong.
He married in northern Missouri the daughter of a widow also going through Missouri, and Iowa, Sarah Ann Farley.
He mysteriously dies or disappears in Iowa very late 1859 or early 1860. I say mysteriously because I suspect there is a story here about his death which has been purposefully hidden for reasons unknown. No grave, no death story, nothing apparently remains explaining the circumstances which left his children fatherless and his wife pregnant with a last Van Scyoc child. Nothing explains how the wife knew her husband was dead and her need to remarry in the summer of 1860.
Family line connections have been made based on the residence in Iowa of sisters (cousins?) of the man (census records). These sisters show a clearer familial connection based on location of marriages and census links. Once links are made to a particular line of enough age in this family name of Van Scyoc, the trail is very straight and well documented back to the early 1600's in New York and New England and further back in the Netherlands.
Names associated: Mustard, Keeler, Oakley
Location: Fremont Co., IA
Missouri is a state where every foot seems to have some busy history. Lamar for instance in the southwest corner of the state.
In the Missouri-Kansas Border War (1854-1859) lawless bands ranged the county in the Civil War terror and disorder characterized the region. Quantrill and his guerrilla band raided and burned Lamar, occupied by Union troops in 1862. The town was again burned by raiders in 1864, as were other communities in the region, such as Milford. Lamar is known as the birthplace of President Harry Truman and for local lawman Wyatt Earp. Both Virgil and Wyatt lived there for a time. Wyatt Earp's first job was as the city's local constable in the 1870's.
Wyatt Earp's first wife is buried in Howell Cemetery (also known as Owen), just 6 miles north of Lamar. After his wife Urilla Sutherland Earp and unborn child died in late 1870, he set off into the west perhaps seeking to obliterate the pain of his loss in the danger and wildness of those regions. Some suggest he stole a horse to get away.
In that same cemetery are my family members: Roy and Velma Terry, Carol Priest Fortey, Donald Fortey, Melvin Priest, and Lou Priest. On my last visit there, I walked to Mrs. Earp's grave and said hello to whatever gentle spirit and memory may linger there where the green grass moves. I wondered if this larger than life but very human character of the old west had stood where I was standing when he said his last goodbyes.
Perhaps, when the days are softly winding down and gentle breezes blow, they all gather round and have a nice visit telling stories and remembering days long gone. Perhaps.
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1935 Promotional Portrait of Rochelle Hudson |
In my husband's Hudson line his uncle named one daughter Rochelle Hudson. The inspiration, says one family member was the 1930's actress of that same name.
In learning more of the one, it raises questions of connections for this 'dead end' family tree of Hudson.
In 1920, Ollie L. Hudson (46, b. Missouri, f. born Tn and mother
b. Ky) and his wife Lenora (38, b. Kansas, f. b. Ill., m. b. Missouri) were
residing at 1212 West 32nd Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Listed on the census was “Rachel
E.” (4, b. Oklahoma). One source connects Ollie to a Joseph Hezekiah Hudson whose father came out of Virginia - the same place our Hudson's came from.
Most sources claim a 1916 birth date for the Hollywood "Rochelle Hudson". After acting in Rebel Without A Cause, she retired to Arizona to ranch, and then to Tulsa, Oklahoma. In the 1960's, she went back to California died there in the early 1970's.
Is there a connection? I wish I knew.
Curtis Hudson Saddles and Boots
Curtis Hudson crafted western saddles and boots throughout the 1960's and 1970's while residing in Arizona and Kansas. His leather work revealed a fine attention to detail and many artistic designs. It is possible some of his work may still be in existence in private collections. He created saddles, boots, rifle scabbards, bags, wallets, album covers, belts, and many other items.
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